Monthly Crossword Competition – CLOSED


Inshaallah Kampung Lucan will be having a monthly crossword competition. Please click the following link for the crossword.

Rules for competition:

1. Click the link provided

2. Click print button at the bottom of the post and complete the crossword

3. Completed crossword to be send to:

Crossword competition

58 Foxborough Road,

Lucan, Co. Dublin.

or Email to

4. Please provide your name, address and contact number with the completed crossword.

4. Dateline for the competition is 31st January 2014.

5. Winner will received €20 voucher.

6. Judges decision is final.

7. Competition open to all Rep of Ireland resident.

KKI Special Bersama Ustaz Syed Kadir Al Joofre

KKI Special bersama Ustaz Syed Kadir Al Joofre 1hb January 2014

Kenapa kita sukar beramal dengan apa yang kita tahu?..Sejauh mana ketaatan isteri kepada suami?….Zakat pendapatan. Pandangan Ulama?..  …Jemaah bagaimana kita perlu sertai? Penggunaan pinggan emas dan perak..
Apa Huzaifah ibn Yaman tanya kepada Rasullah saw? dan banyak lagi. Ikutilah audio yang sempat dirakam untuk kita sama-sama renungkan dan hayati.

[audio:Ustaz syedKadir.mp3]

Masa: 8 malam
Tempat: Rumah Faisal Kiah
Tajuk: Tanyalah Ustaz
– Mukaddimah oleh Ustaz
– Q&A