Arranging Islamic Will in Irish Context

Talk by Mr. Faisal Khan

We had the opportunity to have a lively discussion with an honoured guest Mr. Faisal Khan, a barrister from FSK Solicitors. Mr Faisal provided guidance on Islamic inheritance and the importance of having an Islamic will in the context of Irish law.

Audio information regarding Burial arrangements in Ireland

At the end of the session, Dr Zarina shared the point of contact in the Kg Lucan community and gave guidance on funeral arrangements in the event of the death of a family member or a friend.

Kampung Lucan Smart Solat Camp 2.0

Alhamdulillah we had our second Solat Camp on the 28th and 29th December 2024. The camp aimed to spend the holiday time to come nearer to Allah.

There were 67 participants, ages ranging from 7-19 years old. They were divided into 2 groups: Baligh & Training group.

The camp was packed with talk, Q&A, practice, ice-breaking, congregational prayer, Jeopardy & refreshment. The solat camp ended with a potluck get-together with participants & parents.

Well done to all participants, parents & the committee members. May Allah add these as our good deeds.

Kampung Lucan Smart Solat Camp – 30th & 31st December 2023.

Alhamdulillah we had 56 young people throughout Ireland & Northern Ireland gathered for this camp.
The young people were divided into two groups, less than 10 years old and above 10.
Young people got to learn more about solat, including the meaning of supplications during solat.

Thank you for all the young people, facilitators & presenters for the camp. May Allah accepts it from us.

Bicara Dengan Datuk Dr Ustazah Nurhafizah Musa & Dr Ustaz Azahar Yaakub.

Crowne Plazza Hotel | Blanchardstown

Alhamdulillah, syukur pada hadrat Ilahi dengan berkat izinNya kita diberi kelapangan masa untuk menyambut tetamu khas dari Malaysia yang termulia dan tidak asing lagi Dr. Ustaz Azahar Yaakub dan Datuk Dr. Ustazah Nurhafizah Musa. Sesi santai kali ini bertempat di Hotel Crowne Plaza, Blanchardstown, Dublin pada jam 11 pagi hari Ahad 10hb September 2023.

Perjumpaan kali ini lebih kepada sekadar berkongsi dan bertukar pendapat. Antara peringatan yang menarik ialah kepentingan membaca Asmaa’ul Husna (nama-nama  Allah SWT) sebagai jalan menuju Syurga sepertimana sabda nabi Muhammad S.A.W “Sesungguhnya bagi Allah SWT sembilan puluh sembilan nama, seratus kecuali satu, barangsiapa yang menghafalnya akan masuk syurga” – Hadis riwayat Imam al-Bukhari dalam Sahih al-Bukhari. Ustaz turut berkongsi amalan mudah dibawah Usrah Alfa FamiliTM beliau tips serta aktiviti-aktiviti yang dapat mengeratkan hubungan kekeluargaan.

Terima kasih kepada pihak penganjur dan muslmin dan muslimat yang turut hadir menjayakan majlis kali ini. Barakallahu feekum!


Penyampaian dari Ustaz Dr. Azahar
Penyampaian dari Dr. Ustaz Azahar Yaakub berkenaan tips utk mengeratkan hubungan Ibubapa dengan anak-anak. Petikan audio tentang tips yang sempat dirakam seperti dibawah. Maaf atas kualiti audio yg tidak begitu memuaskan.


Wow, time flies! Today’s Graduation ceremony marks the end of KKI session 2022/23. Congratulations to all our dearest pupils (all grown up!) and our beloved teachers for all their hard work and dedication throughout 🙂 May Allah grant you His blessings in your Deen, in Life, and in the Hereafter. Ameen.

Barakallahu feekum to everyone involved in making the special day a huge success! Here are some of the photo shots for you to enjoy.

Kampung Lucan Winter Gathering 2022 _ 24th December 2022

Teens Get Together
26 teens joined us on the day. They watched Bilal: A New Breed of Hero. There’re quiz & short discussion.
Here were the winners on the day:
1st Hamdi
2nd Aqil
3rd Idham & Kauthar
Best participant: Abdul Hadi

Colouring Competion for Primary School Goers
There were 24 children participated in our Colouring Competition on 24.12.2022

Well done to all of them. These were our winners:
Group 1 (up to 8 years old)
1st Hannany
2nd Sofia
3rd Ben

Group 2(up to 12 years old)
1st Husna
2nd Abdullah
3rd Zainah

There were Food Sale Carboot Style too. 5 vendors with variety of mouth watering dishes. It was a challenge for our vendors, as we were blessed with windy & rainy day.

Our heartiest Thank You to our generous sponsors, all the young committee members, parents, children & Kampung members.
