Kampung Lucan Smart Solat Camp – 30th & 31st December 2023.

Alhamdulillah we had 56 young people throughout Ireland & Northern Ireland gathered for this camp.
The young people were divided into two groups, less than 10 years old and above 10.
Young people got to learn more about solat, including the meaning of supplications during solat.

Thank you for all the young people, facilitators & presenters for the camp. May Allah accepts it from us.

Kampung Lucan Winter Gathering 2022 _ 24th December 2022

Teens Get Together
26 teens joined us on the day. They watched Bilal: A New Breed of Hero. There’re quiz & short discussion.
Here were the winners on the day:
1st Hamdi
2nd Aqil
3rd Idham & Kauthar
Best participant: Abdul Hadi

Colouring Competion for Primary School Goers
There were 24 children participated in our Colouring Competition on 24.12.2022

Well done to all of them. These were our winners:
Group 1 (up to 8 years old)
1st Hannany
2nd Sofia
3rd Ben

Group 2(up to 12 years old)
1st Husna
2nd Abdullah
3rd Zainah

There were Food Sale Carboot Style too. 5 vendors with variety of mouth watering dishes. It was a challenge for our vendors, as we were blessed with windy & rainy day.

Our heartiest Thank You to our generous sponsors, all the young committee members, parents, children & Kampung members.


Quran Memorisation Competition! [13.06.21]


Dearest respected young members,

All the praises to Allah and may you are in good health.

Ramadan has long gone and we are in Dhul Qaidah. It was heartwarming to see our young one participated in Quran memorisation in Ramadan this year and we would like to encourage more of that.

Therefore Kampung Lucan In Syaa Allah will be having another Quran Memorisation for Ramadan next year (as in the poster).

Let’s get you (and your siblings) to love the Quran.

Any queries, please feel free to contact: 0879697511

On behalf of AJK Kampung Lucan

[Announcement] Seerah Camp – Kahoot quiz winners


The Seerah Camp was a great success. Alhamdulillah our Kampung Lucan Online Winter Seerah camp were attended by 35 aspiring children around Dublin, Belfast,Tullamore, Waterford and Westmeath! We spent successful 9.5 hours of getting to know The Best Man that Ever Walked The Earth, and with some kahoot quizes on the side.

Congratulations to those who placed in the top three and the rest who participated in the quiz.

Slot 2: Private & public phase of dakwah
Presenter: Dr. Dela

Slot 3 : Isra’ & Mi’raj
Presenter: Dr. Ina

Slot 4: Hijrah & early Madinah
Presenter: Dr. Yulia

Slot 5 : Badr & important battles
Presenter: Dr. Haffis

Slot 6 : Baiah Ridwan & Treaty of Hudaibiyah
Presenter: Dr. Dela

Slot 8 : Hajj Wida’ & his death
Presenter: Dr. Ina

Thank you again.