December Announcements 2020

UPDATE: This event has been rescheduled in the future.


Dearest sahabat,

In Syaa Allah Sabtu ini kita berpeluang untuk live bersama Ustazah Nurhafizah Musa.

Waktu mula program dianjakkan ke 1245 tengahari, bagi memberi laluan solat Zohor.

Program terbuka kepada semua, so please share.


Dearest Kampung Lucan young members,

Winter break is around the corner. Alhamdulillah Kampung Lucan humbly present Winter Online Seerah Camp for Children.
It is geared for 9-15 year old.

Allah tells us in the Qur’an that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. is our role model. In Syaa Allah during this Online Winter Seerah Camps, you will get to know the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

You will get an overview his biography, reflect on the major events in the Seerah, and learn life lessons from his remarkable character.

The slot will includes a number of enrichment sessions: Qur’an translation, online quiz & live Q&A.

Let’s spend your winter break with the best human being s.a.w.

More details are as in poster.

Please contact me if you have any queries and for registration.

Secretary of Kampung Lucan


2019 KLASS

Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah for His blessings and multiple rewards for all of us. Salawat and salaam to our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, his family and friends.

Some of the key sessions are as follows: 

Adults: Puan Marlina ( topic: marriage and will) and David Price ( topic: pension) 
Teens: Ibrahim Halawa ( topic: motivational talk) 
Kids: Story Telling & Photographic Memory 
Teens and kids: Indoor & Outdoor Games
Nursery: Arts & Craft
Prize giving ceremony

We ended the event with sizzling BBQ under the sun!

Jazakumullah khoir to the committee members for the excellent work. Also to those participating in the event and making the gathering successful! 

Here are some of the photos. Enjoy! 

KKI anak-anak | Kisah Nabi

How can you love someone so much but have no passion to learn more about him? The more love you have or the prophets the more eager you will find yourself in learning about them. That i what we cherished on our KKI students so that their knowledge about their prophets is closer than their neck veins. Here is their stories on their prophets from their knowledge and we hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.

Teacher Yatt.

KampungLucan Spring Gathering. 2019

Alhamdulillah dipanjangkan umur untuk hadir sesi pertama KLASS dan diberi peluang untuk berjumpa dengan Puan Marlina pakar perunding syariah yang dijemput khas untuk berbicara tentang hak suami isteri semasa perkahwinan dan selepas perceraian. Sesi seterusnya membicarakan aspek-aspek penting dalam pengurusan dan pembahagian harta.

Didoakan semoga pencerahan dari Puan Marlina bermanfaat untuk semua.

Part 1
Part 2