Kampung Lucan 2nd edition Bazaar 26 March 2017

 Food and Clothing Bazaar at St. John’s Evangelist School Hall

Alhamdulillah and a big thank you to everyone who helped make our second Bazaar on 26th March 2017 a success. We were blessed with the nice sunny weather plus there was a huge crowd of buyers and sellers. Around 17 stalls offered traditional Malaysian, Moorish, Pakistani, Middle Eastern culinary pieces, drinks including a variety of delicacies. There was so much food to choose from. We are reminded of those days scouting for food at a busy Malaysian Pasar Malam!

Here is the image of the day and the link to Bazaar gallery.


Kki anak-anak

??السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّٰه وبركاته??
Dear Parents?‍?‍?‍?
Alhamdulillah, last two fridays children had learnt about:-

1. Hadith 4- Mother

اَلْجَنَّةُ تَحْتَ أَقْدَامِ الْأُمَّهَاتِ

Paradise lies under the feet of mothers
2. Name of Allah – Al Malik (The King).
3. Recap meaning of surah Al-Fatihah ayat 1 and 2.
4. Coloring copy about Mother, arabic worksheet al-Malik

جزاكم اللّٰه خيرًا كثيرًا ?

Kki Bapa | 15th Feb 2017

Assalamualaikum, KKi kali ini dianjurkan di rumah Am bertempat di Hanstead Lucan. Topik yang dibincangkan adalah seperti berikut.


  • Masbuk
  • Muafik


  • Surah Takwir – ayat 19-21


  • Nabi Daud As


  • Ikhfa
  • Bertemu dgn istaala
  • Hukum Nun mati dan tanween secara general.


  • Mencari ilmu.
  • Hadis berkaitan mencari ilmu dan mengajar ilmu.


Kki anak | jnr

??السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّٰه وبركاته??
Dear Parents?‍?‍?‍?
Alhamdulillah, last friday children had learnt about:-

1. Seerah – The story of Prophet Yunus a.s
2. Recap Fiqh -Reading in prayer (Sitting between two prostrations, Tahiyyat Awal, Tahiyyat Akhir and salam)
3. Quran – Learning surah Al Fatihah.
4. Recap Hadiths 1-3
5. Coloring sheet Prophet Yunus a.s.

جزاكم اللّٰه خيراً كثيراً?

KKI Bapa | 1st Jan 2017

Semoga sahabat sekelian dirahmati dan diberikan kesihatan. Terima kasih buat saudara Ikhwan kerana KKi kali ini diadakan di rumah beliau. Seramai 14 org hadir dalam majlis ilmu dengan topik seperti berikut:


  • Cara-cara solat berjemaah
  • Susunan Saf


  • Khalid bin Yunus
  • Abdullah bin Unais


  • Hadis 18 – Hadis 40 Imam nawawi


  • Idgham bighunnah dan Bila ghunnah
  • Iklab
  • Ikhfa

KLASS 2016 – module and posters


Adolescent Group Work:

i) Presentation Posters of ” You’re The Lifeline” following Talk 1 Youth by Imam Ebourahim of Kilkenny Masjid. Very beautiful and creative display of group idea and artwork.

ii) “We Got Talent” Presentation Powerpoint Slides on group names based on famous Islamic figures Abdullah ibn Umar, Asma bint Abu Bakr,  Fatimah Al-Fihri, Fatima Az-Zahra, Muhammad Al-Fateh and Zaid bin Tsabit

Click here to access Imam’s talk and slides by our children.